Calgary, AB

Home Style Supplies
#122, 3442 118 Ave SE,  Calgary, AB T2Z 3X1


Monday - Sunday 09:00 - 17:00

(403) 648-0887

Contact with an expert

    Frequently asked questions

    My order hasn't arrived yet. Where is it?

    If the estimated delivery time for your order has passed and your item hasn't arrived, you can let the seller know by reporting that you didn't receive it

    There are few reasons that order didn't arrive: traffic, "flat tire" or product hasn't been received by the store yet

    Do you deliver on public holidays?

    We only deliver Monday to Saturday. We do not deliver on public holidays. 

    Do you deliver to my postcode?

    A Flat Rate delivery charges applies to all deliveries within " zone 1 " (40 km from the store location)  - additional charges (fee) apply for "zone 2"  and "zone 3" 

    We will calculate shipping costs by next business day once your order is submitted.

    Is next-day delivery available on all orders?

    Receive your order on the next available delivery day when you order before 2:00 p.m. on weekdays and before 12:00 p.m. on Saturdays/Sundays* (restrictions/conditions apply)

    Do I need to be there to sign for delivery?

    Unless otherwise instructed at the time of purchase, you need to be there (at location) to receive your order 

    Online store with a wide selection of furniture and decor

    We have selected for you the best models from modern craftsmen who managed to ingeniously combine elegance, quality and practicality in each product unit. Our assortment includes products from proven companies. Who for many years of continuous joint work did not give reason to doubt their reliability and honesty. All of them guarantee the high quality of their products, excellent operational characteristics, attractive appearance of the products, a long period of use of the furniture, as well as safety.